Sunday Schedule and Events at

Saint Joan of Arc

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Eastertide with Joan of Arc:

NEW WEEKLY EASTERTIDE (Eastertide is the weeks following easter, often called teh Great 50 Days of Easter ending at Pentecost) SCHEDULE JUST DROPPED:

Sunday Worship: 10am and 5pm, a worship service of Bible teaching and Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer (1979). The morning service is followed by a festive Coffee Hour and the Sunday Evensong Service is followed by Salad and Pizza.

Sunday Online Worship: 9:30am on Zoom broadcast from the Vicar’s Office. Come pray and learn together. Click here for link (you will have to verify your zoom account. Please let us know if you have trouble connecting. No need for camera or participation, of course.

Vicar’s Hour (Adult Education): 11:10, Bible 101: Exploring the Strange New World of the Bible. No experience with the Bible necessary.

Daily Morning Prayer: Monday-Thursday (and Sunday!), 10am at the Church and on Zoom. A great way to pray the Daily Office, a set of psalms, scripture verses, and prayers. The Service is normally around 20-30 minutes. We always have coffee and leaving early is always fine, we know it’s a weekday! The zoom link will come via Flocknote or on the top of the website’s home page.

Tuesday Bible Study:10am Morning Prayer followed and Bible Study in the Parish Hall and zoom

Wednesday Evening Eucharist: 5:30pm with Pizza, Salad, and Alpha. Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Friday: (new vicar’s day off) Morning Prayer can be prayed if someone volunteers to lead.

Upcoming One-Time Events:

2 June: The Feast Day of Joan of Arc! Celebrate our patronal feast with a post-worship potluck and fun for all.